March 12, 2019
A couple of weeks ago I attended a neuroscience workshop led by Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at Oxford University, Geoff Bird. One of the areas of focus was on Stress and Sleep Deprivation. I am sharing below my key learnings from that.
o It kills neurones in our brain: when we are stressed, it takes longer for the neurones in our brain to get tired. If this continues for a long time, our neurones can be permanently damaged
o It affects the blood-brain barrier which protects our brain
o It directly affects our immune system
o It precedes psychiatric illness in genetically susceptible individuals
o It is linked to strokes and heart attacks
o The Hippocampus in our brain is very vulnerable to stress; the Hippocampus plays a major role in learning and memory and our emotional reactivity and control
o The damaging effects of stress on our brain could be irreversible from a certain age (~45) onwards
o Poor concentration
o Inconsistent performance and uncharacteristic errors
o Indecisiveness
o Inability to deal with things calmly/irritability
o Signs of tiredness or anxiety
o Making complaints
o Lapses in memory
o Resistance to change
o Lack of holiday planning and taking
o Longer or excessive hours
o Arriving late / leaving early
o Extended lunches
o Absenteeism or increased sickness absence
o Passivity or lack of commitment
o Bullying/ harassment
o Malicious gossip / criticism of others
o Vandalism/ shouting
o Substance use / abuse (increased drinking, smoking, coffee, drugs)
o Comfort eating
o Increases emotional reactivity leading to stress and it has big effects on our emotions
o Increases our stress hormones and damages tissue that affects our organs (e.g., heart,skin, etc.)
o Doubles the risk of death from all causes
o Impacts learning and memory consolidation
o 2 nights of sleeping 7 hours or less
o 1 night of sleeping 5 hours or less
November 16, 2020
The saying goes, “It takes a village to raise a child”; organisations are a crucial component of that village - now, more than ever, is the time to recognise that and take action!
June 21, 2019
Key takeaways from a very interesting talk by Tara Mohr on how to identify and quieten our Inner Critic.
March 22, 2019
A must read for anyone considering a career transition
If you are interested in finding out more about how I could help you or your organisation please get in touch to arrange a complimentary discovery session.